
Home / News / Industry News / Is the chemical stability of PP Coarse Denier Nonwoven sufficient to ensure that it is not corroded by chemicals such as acids and alkalis?

Is the chemical stability of PP Coarse Denier Nonwoven sufficient to ensure that it is not corroded by chemicals such as acids and alkalis?

For situations where frequent contact with chemical substances is required in chemical production, is the chemical stability of PP Coarse Denier Nonwoven sufficient to ensure that it is not corroded by chemicals such as acids and alkalis, thereby maintaining the integrity and functionality of the product?

For situations where chemical production requires frequent contact with chemicals, the chemical stability of PP Coarse Denier Nonwoven is an important factor in evaluating whether it is suitable for use in these environments. As a common synthetic material, polypropylene (PP) has excellent chemical stability, mainly due to the stability of its molecular structure and low chemical reactivity.

First of all, the molecular chain of polypropylene is mainly composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. These atoms are connected through stable covalent bonds, forming a compact molecular skeleton that is not easily damaged by chemicals. This structure makes polypropylene highly resistant to most chemicals such as acids, alkalis, organic solvents, and greases, and can resist the erosion of these substances to a certain extent.

However, it should be noted that although polypropylene has good stability to many chemicals, it may still be corroded by some strong acids, strong bases or oxidants under certain specific conditions. In addition, long-term exposure to high temperatures, high pressures or high concentrations of chemicals may also cause the performance of polypropylene materials to degrade or fail.

Therefore, when choosing to use PP Coarse Denier Nonwoven as a protective material in chemical production, it is necessary to fully understand the chemical properties, temperature, pressure and other factors of the environment in which it is located, and select the appropriate material and thickness accordingly. At the same time, during use, the integrity and functionality of the materials need to be checked regularly to ensure that they can effectively protect equipment and personnel from chemical corrosion.

PP Coarse Denier Nonwoven has good chemical stability in most cases and can resist the erosion of chemicals such as acids and alkalis, maintaining the integrity and functionality of the product. However, under certain conditions, it is still necessary to select appropriate materials and protective measures based on the actual situation.

PP Coarse Denier Nonwoven
